I mostly blame The Simpsons for this, as Peter and the Wolf frequently is used as a background music. I know this as I watched seasons 4, 6, 7, and most of 3 while unpacking boxes and before our cable was installed. (1) Every time that stupid Peter string section starts up, it's like taking another hit.
However, things definitely took a turn for the worse when my Peter infection hit Kevin. There's just no escaping it. It's like a third grade music appreciation class up in here.
Joining Peter and the Wolf in its constant brain airtime is the Broken Social Scene's KC Accidental. Not the whole song - just the instrumental beginning, which I sing, a lot, out loud. A lot. Badly.
What I really want to know is why these two songs have remained stuck in my head more or less permanently for these past years. I suppose I can engage in some ad hoc theorizing about the BSS - I listened to the record pretty heavily for a while. But, I've certainly listened to other albums much more (and more recently) without the same effect. (2) And I can't say I've really intentionally listened to Peter and the Wolf since puberty. So, it remains a mystery.
(1) After watching these seasons, as well as a goodly portion of the acclaimed fifth season while homeless, I am perfectly confident in my assertion that the fourth season is, by far, the very best. I am preparing a formal treatise on the topic to be posted shortly.
(2) I have to believe that it would be pretty cool to have Joanna Newsom on mental repeat. That's the kind of thing that could finally push me over the mental-stability edge.
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