Monday, December 18, 2006

The Bun, Half Done

It's still cookin', but we've taken another peak into the oven.

Both Kevin and I retained our resolve to keep Baby Davis-Ross's identity a secret, although...we both thought we might have seen something revealing in the ultrasound. Then again, we're both pretty convinced it was just the umbilical cord. At any rate, we still refer to her as a girl.

We also got to check up on the baby's heartbeat. Curious what a fetal heartbeat sounds like? Imagine the theme to 24, but faster and "whooshier."

BD-R, in profile. (Kevin and I agreed, BD-R has my chin.)

In the photo above, BD-R is kissing her own kneecap. Flexible!

I've posted a ton of pictures to Flickr. Many have some comments, to help figure out what is what. Click below to access them.

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