Thursday, June 15, 2006

Our first full day: in which we learn to change a flat tire

Click on photos above to view larger images.
Photos, from left:
Kevin tries to get the spare tire out of our rental car.
Kevin successfully jacks up the car.
Kevin and our friend (and erstwhile park ranger) Kirk, out to Tower Arch.
Kirk explains to Kevin the finer points of geologic studies.
Amy in front of

Well, we've made it to Moab and Arches with little trouble.

Except for that flat tire that Kevin discovered at 7 a.m. this morning.

So, we're in town getting it patched up. The repairman told Kevin, "well, bless your heart. Come back in half an hour." I'm not sure if that's a good sign or a bad sign - while a half hour is great, I'm concerned this guy thought Kevin required blessing. We'll think positive and count our blessings that we were within 30 miles of civilization when this occured.

In other news, we're getting acclimated to the altitude and enjoying time with our friend Kirk, who works here. We're planning on (not) heckling him at his campfire talk today and (not) getting lost on his Fiery Furnace hike tomorrow. This is fair, since he has been (intentionally) lying to me all afternoon about mountain lions and park ecology.

We'll have sporadic email contact and internet access, so feel free to drop us a line. Until then, enjoy these photos.

1 comment:

357martini said...

tire dysfunction...hookin up bolts and wheels and jacks yalllllll

travel blogs rock