Tuesday, May 22, 2007

worst. endings. ever.

Part 1: 24

Please point that somewhere else, I'm too busy yawning.

Look, people who make 24, I suffered through your barely palatable season with very few complaints, but I cannot abide by your season finale. Lame, lame, lame. Who cares? Unless you:
(1) Told me that Josh Bauer was indeed Jack Bauer's son, as we all know his is;
(2) Killed Audrey Raines, because she is bor-ing;
(3) Finally resolved Agent Doyle's vaguely evil status.
(4) Is Wayne Palmer dead? Seriously. He might be. Why not a check-in with the President?

Although, some credit:
(1) Chloe as a mother could be entertaining. Certainly pregnant Chloe could be hilarous.
(2) Ricky Schroder's amazing acting chops. (And if you want to know way more than anyone ought to about why he's Ricky again, check this out.)

Part 2: Heroes
Hiro the Hero

So I'll avoid highlighting some of the more obvious plot holes (like, why were people so concerned with keeping the invincible cheerleader safe? and why did Nathan have to escort Peter Petrelli to his atomic explosion - why couldn't Peter fly himself? and why could a well-positioned bullet kill Peter Petrelli but not his atomic explosion?) What makes Heroes finale so dumb is that the whole season was building to this episode and it turned out to be so lame. "OK, I'm Peter Petrelli with lots of cool superpowers at my disposal. I'm facing my archenemy in a fight to save millions of people. What should I do? Oh yeah, I'll just punch Sylar in the stomach a few times. That should do it." This supposedly epic showdown was just so dull. And the "connections"? What was Mica's job - to make sure they could use the elevator? So that Nikki could hit Sylar with a parking meter? And why isn't Mohinder - i.e. the worst character & actor on TV - dead yet? Lame.

Lost better be good.

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