Monday, July 10, 2006

The Case for Congo

Please, don't get me wrong: I don't really have any business going to the Congo. I'm accident prone, I'm disease prone, and I've got an issue with insects. But there's this weird, teeny-tiny itsy-bitsy smidgen of a chance that I may be in a position to go.

And really, why shouldn't I? I've been involved in all kinds of hairbrained schemes and adventures that provide me with a firm foundation for navigating whatever the Congo may throw my way. For example:

Remember that time I like practically made out with a python? Dude, that was so cool. Um, I think it was a boa or something. Anyway, as you can tell I handled myself pretty well - and, let me tell you, these bad boys are just as heavy as they look.

Oh, yeah, I remember this: riding the back of the wild giraffes of Northern India(na). I got some bad advice on this one - next time, I won't ride bareback. Or backward. And I'll remember to bring my legs.

And probably most helpful will be that stint I did with United Nations Peacekeeping forces. Nothing says "power" like powder blue - just ask anyone from Carolina

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