Monday, September 04, 2006

Five things I love, this week

Amanda Church
She's much less creepy than my other artist favorites, even if she is more sad.

Silver Foxes
Take your pick: Anderson Cooper, John McEnroe, or the dude from ESPN or those Progressive auto insurance commercials (you know, the one who plays it all deadpan when he offers you a pink flip-flop?). Either way, I'm a winner.

Jasper Fforde
Amazingly good novels about nursery rhyme characters and major literary figures. Is it fantasy? Science fiction? Mystery and crime? Parody? All of the above, and more. How can it possibly miss?

Space Camp
My exit from the Bayshore Freeway is the same one you'd take to go to Space Camp.

This brings me an unreasonable amount of glee.

Project Runway
This is a family favorite. Kevin watches for Heidi "boom boom" Klum; I watch it for the sewing machines.

And the jury's still out on:

Cilantro in a tube.
Pros: It's cilantro, whenever you want it.
Cons: Why does it taste so sweet?

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