Saturday, October 28, 2006

An ill-advised parking-lot rant

Said Jetta in question, third from right, barely visible through the see of "compact" SUVs.

Maybe it's because my first car was a Chevrolet Chevette, a little hatchback.

Or maybe it's because my second car was a Honda CRX, another hatchback, but with only two proper seats.

But, for whatever reason, I hesitated the first time I had to park a Jetta in a "compact car" parking space. I thought, "is this really a compact car? I certainly could fit five adults in here. It's not a Golf, for Heaven's sake."

But then I saw the other cars who'd decided to call themselves "compact," and realized that my car was downright miniature. Bordering on Smart Car, in fact.

At first, driving in California made me feel like a really good driver, and I suppose I am, by comparison. For example: I can park within parking spaces. This is a very rare skill, and one I might be able to market at some point. Also: I don't drive the wrong way down one-way streets. Again, should I ever parlay my nascent driving prowess into a career, this certainly would be a selling point.

I should note that no one has ever called me a "good driver" unless he was:
(1) impressed that I can drive a manual or
(2) intoxicated and needing a ride home.

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