Sunday, October 01, 2006

Required Reading #2; Additional Literary Notes

Required Reading #2
Despite the (modest) criticism it's received, I'm going on a limb and making Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colon's 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation Required Reading #2, for two key reasons:

First, this book is a faithful adaptation of the 9/11 Commission's report. You know, that book that nearly every American purchased but never really read past the "We Have Some Planes" section? Clearly, it's an abridgment, but with the imprimatur of Tom Keane and Lee Hamilton themselves, it's a well-conceived abridgment.

Second, it's really well done. It's sentimental and journalistic, logical and emotional. The graphic novel is a literary form that may be singularly adept at relating human tragedy in a humane manner - see Joe Sacco, for example.

Additional Literary Notes
(1) In preparation for the release of Book the Thirteenth: The End, I'm going to re-read the first 12 Lemony Snicket books, one per day. Wish me luck.

(2) Speaking of Lemony Snicket, I've just finished Daniel Handler's new book (Adverbs) and am delighted to report that he did not steal my idea for the as-yet-unfinished novel I am "working" on.

(3) I kind of secretly like Chuck Klosterman, mostly because does stuff like call Steve Nash a communist. But, really, don't hold it against me.

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