Friday, July 20, 2007

pyschic powers at work

For a while I've harbored a suspicion I'm somewhat psychic. Kevin and I often say that I "know things." Usually, these "things" are pretty lame.

Here's one that's not so lame:

During Peter's early morning feeding, I had the sudden realization that the photos hanging over his bassinet would be pretty dangerous in the event of an earthquake. I never really think about earthquakes, even though there is at least one a month out here. (It might be different if I'd actually ever felt one.) Earthquake safety has never, not once, figured into my thought process.

Potential deathtrap.

A few hours later, while talking with my parents, I learned that there was yet another earthquake in the bay area, this one near Oakland.

What's amazing about this? My thoughts about earthquake safety took place at almost exactly the same time as the earthquake.

1 comment:

Christy Wilkens said...

Yeah. At the time of that earthquake, which was strong enough to wake us, our son and his crib had been banished from our room to our foyer, next to a shelf laden with things just waiting to fall on his head and kill him. Oops.