Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Baby Davis-Ross, Preview Edition #2...now with more mystery

So, over Christmas I kind of exploded, to the point where I look "pregnant" and not "chubby." However, I am still not at the place where people will ask if I'm expecting, for fear that I'm just pleasantly plump in an really awkward way.

To wit, a picture where I look gigantic. (I also look like I just rolled out of bed, which I did.)

However, don't let your eyes deceive you. A few days later:

I'm decidedly smaller in this take, although half of my belly is covered by the gi-normous waistband of my maternity jeans.

I'm about 21 weeks in both of the pictures. I say "about," because every time Baby Davis-Ross gets checked in on, she gets about 2 weeks older. At this rate, BDR will be arriving mid MARCH, not mid MAY.

In other barely-interesting pregnancy news, I'm happy to report that my pregnancy symptoms are possibly the lamest ever. For example, I have a stuffy nose all of the time. Also, I'm itchy all over. (Hmm...now that I think of it, I may be allergic to BDR. Interesting proposition.) My food aversions are mostly gone. I'm not even tired any longer.

In fact, things are going so well that I often forget I'm pregnant, but then one of two things happen:
- the baby kicks my bladder (her favorite pastime);
- I try to squeeze through a tight space (like, any place in our apartment) and get stuck halfway through;
- I try to bend over...and get stuck halfway through. My sense of balance definitely is off.

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