Monday, January 29, 2007 cream...

Dreyers (a.k.a. Edys) has released several promotional flavors to tie-in with American Idol's return to television, and all I can say is YUM.

We've tried two: Chock 'n' Roll Caramel and Take the Cake.

Chock 'n' Roll Caramel purports to be chocolate and caramel flavored ice cream, but it tastes exactly like a Wendy's Frosty. It does have yummy bits of chocolate and caramel, though.

Take the Cake tastes like pure yum, as it is stuffed full of icing and sprinkles. I promptly developed gestational diabetes after eating it.

Kevin: I think birthday cake ice cream is the greatest innovation in ice cream in the past 15 years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am holding you both solely responsible for the remainder of my pregnancy weight gain. I am going to sleep with this ice cream under my pillow.