Tuesday, January 23, 2007

my new barometer for what's good in the world

BDR's been kicking, punching, and headbutting with such ferocity in recent days I suspect she's staging a one-woman escape party. What's the hurry? All the awesomeness out in the world. For example:

- The Colts are going to the Superbowl. (BDR was especially frantic during the end of this game, engaging all of her small appendages to cheer.)

- 24 is back! (BDR already has a crush on Jack Bauer. She's her mother's daughter.)

- Global warming is upon us. (Er...yeah. This doesn't work so well. Perhaps BDR was protesting the ineptitude of government environmental policy? At any rate, she made her presence known while we were watching An Inconvenient Truth last night.)

And on the topic of An Inconvenient Truth, can you offer me some advice, Al Gore? It's a great movie, but at the end, KJ and I were left with only a few paltry examples of what to do to abate this problem.

The most depressing part of the movie? When the polar bears started drowning. Oh, man, that was tough.

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