Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day, Part 1

feel free to share these facts* about makin' out:

Human brains have special neurons that help people locate each other's lips in the dark.
I wonder what else can we find in the dark...

During a kiss, as many as 278 colonies of bacteria are exchanged.
Yum, yum.

A man who kisses his lady goodbye when he leaves for work every morning averages a higher income than a guy who doesn't.
So far, Kevin's bucking the trend.

The average woman kisses 79 guys before she's married.
Hmm. Sluts.

In some places, kissing is a crime. It's illegal in Indiana for a mustachioed man to "habitually kiss human beings."
Bad news, Bob! (Bob being, of course, my very mustachioed father.)

* who knows if these are true or not, but they were published in today's Palo Alto Daily News

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