Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Who's in Amy's Belly? Round 4: Brought to you by Pepcid AC

"Oh, you know who I am, OK. I thought I would have to turn around and show you my big ass."
(Wanda Sykes to Larry David, on Curb Your Enthusiasm)

BDR's two newest (and most delightful to date) tricks are: (1) causing heart-crushing heartburn and (2) causing bring-me-to-tears charlie horses. Isn't she a sweetheart?

I have little room to complain, really, since the whole pregnancy experience has been so very easy. But the past week or so has previewed what the third trimester will hold for me.

So far, I've been able to beat down the heartburn with fistfuls of Tums and some herbal tea. I've had less luck figuring out how to tackle the cramps, though, and I suspect the situation is worsening: today, it took nearly 10 minutes for me to put my tights on, as every time I lifted my foot from the ground it twisted and gnarled to the point I looked as though I were an 86-year-old rheumatoid arthritis victim.

So, who's in Amy's belly this week?

Wanda Sykes, who's acid tongue could be the source of my acid reflux.

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