Thursday, March 01, 2007

in case of emergency...

So, about 5 or so years ago I had a change in my attitude, which probably was the result of meeting Kevin and starting graduate school and just overall maturation. Anyway, I realized that it would just be easier to go through life making fun of it rather than being angry at it, which had been my modus operandi.

In other words, I'd let myself be amused rather than irritated by the ineptitude and differences of others. Like, for example, when I was (technically) hit by a car yesterday. Or all of those bad drivers, in general, except for when I'm kind of afraid I'll die.

Some exceptions do apply: I'm still kind of angry about Bush II. I'm also angry about intolerance. I get cranky when people don't recycle. I really don't like selfishness. And the mystery alarm has transitioned from curious to angry-up-the-blood status.

Anyway, here's an example of something that probably ought to irritate me, but that I find hilarious: the rules for plumbing repairs that our homeowner association mails out every month.
(If you're really curious - and who isn't?- click above to read the text)

What's truly hilarious about these rules aren't the rules themselves (which are pretty reasonable), but the protocol to be used "in an emergency situation," which is...exactly the same.

Because, really, don't you have 48 to 72 hours notice before your emergency plumbing problems arise?

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