Tuesday, March 06, 2007

the nuke-u-lar option

The face of a man who just got out of a Chinese Prison.

I have a suspicion that Mr. Murdoch requires Jack Bauer to say "nuke-u-lar" as a way to say to America: "Hey, you know what? Here's someone you can respect and trust that doesn't say it correctly, so let's cut Bush II some slack, OK?" In other words, it's all part of his right-wing agenda.

I have to believe this is true, as, according to Jack Bauer's resume, he has a BA in English Lit from UCLA. Actually, it appears that nearly everyone at CTU earned some pansy degree from some overhyped university. This should give hope to English majors everywhere (or, at least, at Brown) that perhaps the humanities aren't dead.

But I digress. Jack Bauer is hot. BDR and I agree on this one.

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